2006 Index of Economic Freedom

The 2006 Index of Economic Freedom measures 161 countries against a list of 50 independent variables divided into 10 broad factors of economic freedom. Low scores are more desirable. The higher the score on a factor, the greater the level of government interference in the economy and the less economic freedom a country enjoys.

Even though is still in a low position, Romania managed to improve both its score from 3.58 last year to 3.19 in 2006, and its rank climbing 33 positions from 125th place to 92nd place.

Here is a list of the first coutries in the top:

1. Hong Kong – 1.28
2. Singapore – 1.56
3. Ireland – 1.58
4. Luxembourg – 1.60
5. Iceland – 1.74
5. United Kingdom – 1.74
7. Estonia – 1.75
8. Denmark – 1.78
9. Australia – 1.84
9. New Zealand – 1.84
9. United States – 1.84

More on this:
2005 Index of Economic Freedom
Heritage Foundation

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