Google Wave – email 3.0

gwaveDaca emailul nu s-ar fi inventat si am fi fost nevoiti sa-l inventam astazi, cel mai probabil acesta ar semana foarte mult cu noul proiect Google: Wave. Comunicam in nenumarate moduri si folosind nenumarate instrumente: mail, instant messaging, voip, retele sociale, twitter, bloguri, site-uri de sharing pentru fisiere multimedia etc. Wave le aduce pe toate la un loc si te ajuta sa-ti cresti viteza si eficienta comunicarii.

Un Wave este atat conversatie cat si documente. Oamenii pot comunica şi lucra împreună cu text, fotografii, videoclipuri, hărţi, şi multe altele.

Un wave este “share-uit”. Orice participant poate răspunde oriunde în mesaj, poate edita si adăuga conţinut si alti participanţi, în orice punct al acestui proces.

Un Wave este “live”. Wave are posibilitaeta de a transmite live pe măsură ce tastaţi, celorlalti participanti, poti vedea modificările şi interacţionează în timp real. Spui “la revedere” mesajului “your buddy is typing…” timp in care stai si astepti mesajul acestuia.


Un film de prezentare detaliata a noului serviciu Google, ce va fi disponibil se pare in a doua jumatate a anului, se poate vedea aici.

Geek Meet Craiova 3

Ok, a fost GeekMeet in Craiova, editia a 3-a, se zice. Mai mult sau mai putin geek-oriented a fost in intamplare ok, pana la urma, o pata de culoare in mediul online/IT local, ba chiar la un moment dat ma simteam ca in facultate cand ma consumam interior pe la trainingurile din AIESEC 🙂


Probabil ca o sa scrie alti bloggeri locali mai multe detalii, o singura critica as avea vis-a-vis de derularea “activitatilor”. Probabil as fi plecat mult mai bine dispus de la intalnire daca ordinea speech-urilor ar fi fost fix pe invers, si daca s-ar fi inceput cu discutii directionate catre comunitati care sa se rezume la bloguri si blogeri (cu redescoperirea frustrarilor micilor blogeri si intrebari existentiale despre ce e de fapt un blog) si  si s-ar fi terminat cu speech-ul mult mai motivant si purpose-oriented al lui Vlad.

In rest, la mai multe!

Google Just Can’t Stop And Aquires JotSpot

After one of the most discussed acquisitions in the web 2.0 era, Google makes another step in acquiring the web and buys JotSpot.

For those who don’t know JotSpot is:

a privately held company headquartered in Palo Alto, California, is the first application wiki company. Founded in 2004 by co-founders Joe Kraus and Graham Spencer, the company is pioneering do-it-yourself application publishing to enable anyone to create, publish, and share collaborative and personalized wiki applications.

JotSpot’s wiki allows you to create rich web-based spreadsheets, calendars, documents and photo galleries. It’s as easy as using a word processor: you don’t need to know HTML. After the most likely integration with the Google Docs&Spreadsheets and with the Picasa Web Albums, Google is just getting one step away from the old discussed Google Office Online.

Two things to know is that paying customers will no longer be billed on JotSpot and that the new registrations are closed for the moment.

More info in the Frequently asked questions about the deal and on Google Blogpscoped. – Web 2.0 for Students

Now if I would still be a student (with a laptop and a wireless internet connection) I would definetly love the new social notetaking for students application –

Claimed to be a social notetaking service, allows students to publicly save organized notes, manage a class schedule, and keep up to date with tasks using a time sensitive to do list.

As of now, students can organize themselves using a class schedule tool, note manager, and a to do list in an Ajax based interface with barely any clutter to be found. Students can also search other member notes, making a social notetaking service. But what has me excited for the service are the features to come September 1st. says to expect a grade manager to record test and quiz grades, a 1gb file manager to save documents and school related material, and Wikipedia integration for class notes. It is also said that they will be making the service more social with the adding of ‘friends’ and a voting system for public notes.

Via SolutionWatch

10 Definitions of Web 2.0

  1. The wisdom of crowds
  2. Shared web applications
  3. Web as platform
  4. User participation
  5. Rich user experience
  6. Marketing buzzword
  7. Data is the next Intel Inside
  8. Permanent beta
  9. Using the web as it was meant to be used
  10. Nothing

Full article here.

The 10 C’s of Web 2.0

Found them in a Troy Angrignon‘s ChangeThis manifesto:

  • Collaboration: the first theme is about people working together, collaborating, to create software, content, communities, art, music, literature, and a multitude of other things. Web 2.0 tools and applications support this type of interaction at their core.
  • Conversation: There is a conversation happening and it’s not just happening in your corporate website forum. It is happening on blogs. It is a public conversation about politics, business, social issues, and anything else you can imagine, including your company. Tools are developing rapidly in this area and we have a long way to go, but these are exciting times. There is a conversation going on right now that you could contribute to or learn from. What are you waiting for? Join in!
  • Community: We have had online communities now for at least fifteen years or more. But the tools for building online communities are now becoming more widespread and communities are forming around every imaginable (and unimaginable) subject, product, and industry. If you are looking for your ‘tribe’, they are probably out there somewhere.
  • Connection: we are building messaging systems that now connect people to people, people to machines, and machines to machines. The names of these systems are not important but their function is.
  • Content Creation: It turns out that if you give people the tools to create ‘stuff’, they do just that. In fact, they create so much stuff that it quite frankly upsets our assumptions about who in our society are the creators and who are the consumers.
  • Cumulative Learning: think of cumulative learning as peer reviewed journals for every person on the planet with internet access. People can now build on the knowledge of others (through the miracles of search and wikis) faster than at any time in history.
  • Collective Intelligence: In certain conditions, it turns out that groups of people are smarter than individuals. This is counter-intuitive and odd but apparently true.
  • Change of scale: Web 2.0 companies can scale up fast. Because of the spread of broadband internet and the sheer number of people on the internet, we are seeing key measures (number of users, time to market, time to exit) that are quite extraordinary.
  • Core values: Openness, transparency, and a respect for users are three core values that seem to permeate Web 2.0 definitions and discussions.
  • Cheap and Fast: A key quality of Web 2.0 is that developers and entrepreneurs can build, deploy and profit from applications for less money and in less time than ever before.