Gbuy, PayPal and (Romania) Internet Fraud

Wall Street Journal reports that the long awaited competition for Paypal is going live this week. As a bonus, Google is offering mail-in rebate incentives to help sway users to using their electronic-payment system. Google plans to charge merchants a 2.2% commission on a sale, but is offering discounts to those who participate in its AdWords program.

I am wondering if the service will be available any time soon in Romania or if it will pressure PayPal to come around.

This considering the important drop (and the year to year progress) Romania had in the top of international online fraud, accodring to the IC3 report. Meanwhile, during the last 5 years the number of internet users in Romania increased by more than 5 times from less 1 million in 2001 to more than 5 million last year.

Year Place % of global onlne fraud
2001 4 0.9%
2002 5 1.7%
2003 6 1.5%
2004 7 0.92
2005 9 0.7%

The most internet fraudulent country remains US with more than 70% of online fraudulent actions.

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