Android – Ofensiva mobila a Google

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Am aici o serie destul de lunga de post-uri pe subiecte legate de Google si produse ale sale: fie ca e vorba de Wave, de Chrome sau de HTC Hero cu Android. Revin la acesta din urma pentru ca subiectul merita un post separat si o mai mare atentie.

La numai un an de la lansarea oficiala (22 octombrie 2008) Google si al sau Android se apropie cu pasi vertiginosi de faza in care trebuie luati in serios. De catre Apple (desi nu se pozitioneaza nicidecum ca un alt iPhone killer), de Nokia (care pierde teren, si mai nou si bani cu al sau Symbian), de catre operatori (desi semneaza parteneriate cu ei vor trebui sa se “supuna” la un moment dat regulilor pe care Big G le va dicta).

Daca prima versiune a noului OS de la Google a fost reusita, dar trebuie recunoscut ca nu extraordinara, ceea ce Google anunta pentru versiunea 2 precum si viteza cu care Google isi “tuneaza” sistemul de operare si cu care semneaza parteneriate (atat cu producatori cat si cu operatori) ar trebui sa le ridice macar sprancenele executivilor din telecom.

Daca Apple stie sa creeze rumoare si fani dedicati in jurul produselor sale, probabil ca singurul mare competitor care se descurca cel putin la fel de bine la acest capitol este Google. Si nu numai ca stie, dar are forta sa o faca.

Cu Google si al sau Android, am senzatia ca revad filmul Microsoft din anii ’80. Lansarea unui sistem “neterminat”, lasam lumea sa-l foloseasca si sa afle ce e bine si ce e rau cu el si facem un fine-tunning constant. Este exact opusul strategiei Apple: lucram la el 1 an, dar cand il lansam merge struna.

Strategia Google mi se pare mai adaptata timpurilor in care traim. Fara exclusivitati, dar cu o strategie de parteneriate destul de clara (atat cu operatori, cat si cu producatori de device-uri). Si daca tot suntem la producatori sa facem o mica lista: HTC, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG, Huawei, Asus, NEC, Dell, Lenovo au deja in piata sau in faza finala terminale Android. Va las pe voi sa-i identificati pe cei trei care lipsesc din lista 🙂

Ar fi deci vorba de varietatea de terminale mobile (de orice fel, incluzand aici netbook-uri sau tablet PC-uri sau eBook Reader-ul de la Barnes&Noble) pe care Android este si va fi disponibil, pe care eu personal o consider un avantaj serios. E drept UN terminal cu UN sistem de operare e mai usor de gestionat din punct de vedere al marketingului, dar vorbim de o piata uriasa care isi doreste varietate si peronalizare mari degraba decat One-Size-Fit-All pe care Apple il propune.

Fanii Apple o sa arunce acum in mine cu cele 100.000 de aplicatii disponibile in App Store. E un avans considerabil fata de cele “doar” 20.000 din Android Market, dar daca luam in considerare ca o majoritate covarsitoare a acestora sunt gratuite (spre deosebire de AppStore) atunci raportul de forte se mai echilibreaza un pic. Integrarea cu “norul” Google si cu aplicatiile acestuia (Docs, Mail, Maps, YouTube etc) nu vine decat sa puna capac la toate argumentele anterioare (si sa ma duca, din nou, cu gandul la Microsoft si al sau Windows).

Mai multe detalii despre noua versiune Android 2.0 aici

I need a Hero! HTC Hero

hero_pers_right_0622Noul HTC cu sistem de operare Android de la Google si cu noua interfata personalizata Sense UI, mi se pare cel mai reusit smartphone de la iPhone incoace. Da, nu-mi place iPhone, dar recunosc ca a starnit o “revolutie” in ceea ce priveste telefoanele mobile inteligente.

Dar sa revenim. Sunt placut impresionat de modul in care HTC reuseste, de la un device la altul (si fie vorba intre noi, se intampla destul de rapid) sa se autodepaseasca. Iar daca pana acum, fiecare nou producator, fie el Blackberry, Nokia sau Palm, au batut darabana despre al lor “iPhone killer”, cred cu tarie, ca Hero este cel mai aproape de acest atribut.

Venit drept continuator al HTC Magic (ce va fi se pare adus de Vodafone si in ROmania), si anuntat la distributie in Europa (deocamdata) incepand din iulie de catre T-Mobile si Orange, Hero vine sa inlature cam tot ce tinea in loc Magicul si mai mult aduce un plus.

O interfata grafica de exceptie, o camera de 5 Megapixeli cu autofocus, HSDPA 7.2 Mbps si Wi-Fi, GPS, acces la Android Market,pentru aplicatii. Probabil ca singurul “defect” (descoperit pana acum) este lipsa capacitatii de update Over the Air a firmware-ului, dar daca e sa ne uitam la ansamblu, who needs it?

Anuntul Hero vine, la numai a doua zi dupa ce Intel si Nokia au incercat sa faca valuri in media cu noul lor parteneriat strategic, legat de potentiale device-uri Nokia powered by Intel cu un sistem de operare, nou si el, bazat pe Linux. Informatiile despre acest anunt au fost insa de-a dreptul coplesite astazi de anuntul si prezentarea HTC Hero.

Ambele miscari ale Nokia (atat parteneriatul cu Intel cat si lansarea unui potenial nou jucator pe piata OS-urilor mobile) mi se pare ca vin oarecum tarziu pentru producatorul finlandez, care incearca sa revina pe o piata in care granzi precum Google, Apple, HTC sau RIM s-au instalat confortabil. (Unde e dominatia Nokia si Symbian de altadata). Jocul insa se incinge, cu siguranta ca Nokia nu e dispusa sa renunte prea usor la felia ce i se cuvine.

Revenind la “eroul” zilei, iata o trecere in revista a noii interfete Sense UI de la HTC cu Android.

Blackberry Bold vs. Apple iPhone

RIM has been the dominant player in the corporate-oriented smartphone space for some time and was definitely focused more on business capabilities and less on entertainment and fun.

The announced BlackBerry Bold uses iPhone design elements to create a sexy device that appears focused on the traditional BlackBerry strength of e-mail.

With a tri-band HSDPA radio and including integrated GPS and Wi-Fi, this phone’s purpose is to aggressively defend against the iPhone.

One advantage RIM has that shouldn’t be forgotten is that and RIM sells its devices through a variety of carriers. Apple, to get the deals it needed, typically has one carrier exclusively (though this seems to be changing here and there).

The only problem is, and it’s a big one, is that it won’t actually be available for sale until late summer or possibly over two months after the iPhone arrives.

iPhone has its roots in the iPod. This makes the iPhone more of an entertainment device.The iPhone 2.0 gains several critical enhancements for business. It should integrate much better than the 1.0 product with enterprise e-mail systems, but it won’t work with a BlackBerry server. It is much more secure, but it can’t yet be centrally managed using tools already in place to manage BlackBerries.

It has full 3G radios and it may support GPS, video conferencing, and VoIP (Voice over IP) capability.

Because iPhones are now sold out in most geographies, speculation is increasing that the new iPhone may launch before the expected June 9th date. Rumors suggest a second device is coming that is 1.5 times larger than the iPhone and vastly more capable. But given that Apple regularly leaks false rumors to cover up what it is actually releasing, such rumors have to be discounted. It is still expected to eventually bring out a smaller iPhone to complete the line.

As of now, before the iPhone 2.0 comes out to the market we can only compare the actual products:

   blackberry-bold  apple-iphone
  Blackberry Bold Apple iPhone
Dimensions 114 x 66 x 14 mm 115 x 61 x 11.6 mm
Weight 133 g 135 g
Input interface Full QWERTY keyboard & Trackball navigation Multi-touch input method & Accelerometer sensor for auto-rotate
Memory microSDHC, up to 8 GB + 128 MB flash memory
1 GB storage memory
624 MHz processor
4/8/16 GB shared memory
Data GPRS, EDGE, HSDPA (3.6 Mbps), Wi-Fi GPRS, EDGE, Wi-Fi
Messaging SMS, MMS, Email, Instant Messaging, Push Email SMS, Email
Photo 2 MP, 1600×1200 2 MP, 1600×1200
Others – Built-in GPS
– BlackBerry maps
– Document viewer/editor
– Java
– DivX/WMV/XviD/3gp player
– Organizer
– Calculator
– Voice dial
– Built-in handsfree
– Voice memo
– Google Maps
– Widgets support
– iPod audio/video player
– PIM, calendar, to-do list
– TV output
– Photo browser/editor
– Voice memo
– Integrated handsfree

My Favorites Symbian Applications

There are some Symbian applications I couldn’t live without, and some that I really enjoy using it on my (old by now) Nokia 6680.

Symbian OGGPlay – the audio player that helps me better manage my 1 GB memory card and turn my phone in a real portable player. It plays MP3, OGG, AAC and MP4 files, it recognizes Winamp playlists and has a skinnable interface.

FExplorer – is another utility that has better functions, a better interface and is much fastr than the phone’s file manager. Plus it lets you explore all the files, including the temp and OS’s folders.

TaskSpy – is a task manager for Symbian OS devices. It allows you to get more control and information over running tasks on your mobile phone. You can quickly switch tasks, kill processes and threads or free unused memory, as well as display detailed information about system resources. Other features, such as tracking cpu load and free memory, though aimed to developers, may result of interest to advanced users. You will be surprised to see how many applications are remaining resident in phone memory after (you think) you close them.

AutoLock – is an automatic key lock application for S60. It starts automatically when the phone is turned on, it has a Setup tool to change inactivity time and it’s running completely at the background. The fact that Nokia didn’t include this as a default feature it still amazes me.

ShoZu – is the easiest way to upload photos and videos to your sharing Web site. With just one click your photo or video is on the Web. It supports a wide range of webservices (from flickr to youtube) and weblogging systems (Blogger, Typepad, WordPress). You never have to worry about syncronizing the pictures you take, the movies you shoot or the agenda with your computer. They will be online by the time you get home.

YahooGo! – brings the internet to your mobile, starting with a push email (for your yahoo account), calendar and agenda sync, news, yahoo messenger, yahoo local or yahoo search.

Opera Mobile – is the fastest, most secure browser available for S60 and Windows mobile handsets.

GMail Mobile Java Client – if you really need all your Gmail features right on your cell then download the java client google developed.