To Tweet or not to Tweet

Nici eu nu inteleg (inca) Twitter-ul. Nu-i vad utilitatea dincolo, intr-adevar, de Twitter ca unealta de distributie RAPIDA si extrem de facila a unor stiri/informatii. Dar cred ca tocmai “simplitatea” lui il face vulnerabil. Fiind prea usor de utilizat, de pe orice platforma, mobila sau fixa, cred ca se adreseaza prea usor “generatiei messenger”, generatie aproape incapabila sa formuleze o fraza cu mai mult de subiect si predicat (cateodata chiar si cele doua sunt prea mult) si ca urmare, cantitatea de “spam” creata pe Twitter este covarsitoare. Cred ca nisa celor care au cu adevarat nevoie de el este minuscula si pe masura cresterii utilizarii platformei, nisa se ingusteaza pe zi ce trece.

Recunosc, sunt pe Twitter, dar stau acolo mai mult ca experiment si din dorinta de nu-l “refuza din principiu”. Il mai incerc :). Pana atunci un o perspectiva funny asupra problemei:

Spam – we help it grow

Spam lives and got where it is nowadays because of the users. Well not all of us but still. One of the reasons spam got us here is that as many as a third of e-mail users have clicked on links in spam messages. More than that. One in ten users have bought products advertised in junk mail (wow, that’s scary, I would say). What those clicking users love? Well, surprise surprise:

There was an 180% rise in sex-related spam over the course of the last month.

A recent survey conducted by security firm Mirapoint and market research company the Radicati Group, published by BBC, Bad e-mail habits sustains spam, which concludes:

People must resist their basic instincts to buy from spam mails. Spammers are criminals, plain and simple. If no-one responded to junk e-mail and didn’t buy products sold in this way, then spam would be as extinct as the dinosaurs